
Svetlana, ID 18688

Treffpunkt Kiev (Ukraine)
Geb. Datum 10.07.1978
Größe 163 cm
Gewicht 60 kg
Haarfarbe braun
Augenfarbe braun
Familienstand geschieden
Kinder 2002M
Kinderwunsch Abhängig vom Partner
Rauchen gelegentlich
Schulbildung Hochschule
Berufsausbildung Economist
Ausgeübter Beruf Economist
Sprachen Deutsch etwas
Englisch etwas

Über mich

You never know what awaits us in the future, who you will meet today and how your day will be, but I always believe in the best and meet every day with a smile. So, my name is Svetlana and I am from the small town of Chernigov. For my sons - I am a wonderful mother, for my friends - I am a reliable friend, and for my parents - I am a loving child. I grew up in a wonderful and full-fledged family where my father always took care of the well-being of his family, and my mother arranged the cosiness and comfort in the house. Therefore, care, love, loyalty and respect for each other are inherent in me. I am quite easy-going, optimistic, trusting, reliable and responsible person. I never stop believing in people and in miracles. I love reading, communicating with interesting people, traveling, learning something new, I love dancing. I'm active enough and sport is an important part of my life (volleyball, roller skating, yoga, swimming, hiking).

Über Dich

I want to meet a man whom I will understand and who will understand me. Hi is honest, reliable, kind and with a sense of humor. I want to be both a beloved woman and a friend for him. Of course, I want his interests to be close to mine. I can share almost all interests, except those related to height (I have fear). But I can’t say categorically. Of course, I hate drunkenness, rudeness, untidiness, excessive smoking. Probably like all women. And I would also very much like the person to be decisive, I would like to share decision-making with him, I am tired of being a strong woman and taking full responsibility. Again, this is the dream of many women for a man to be a “stone wall”. And, if I choose from the types of men: "father" or "son", of course, I would choose "father". He should be my support, best friend and mentor.